Short review
Features DeWALT DW331K
Yandex.Market data
Performance | |
Power consumption / output | 701 W / 445 W |
File movement frequency | 0 - 3100 strokes / min |
Stroke length | 26 mm |
Cutting depth of wood | 135 mm |
Sawing capacity of non-ferrous metal | 30 mm |
Cutting depth of steel | 12 mm |
Operating modes | |
Pendulum stroke | yes, 4 steps |
Stroke frequency adjustment | there is |
Maintaining a constant stroke rate | there is |
Smooth start | there is |
Design | |
Lever | staple, rubberized |
Quick-clamping saw blade | there is |
Cleaning the cutting site | blowing off sawdust, connecting a vacuum cleaner |
Sole | steel, stamped |
Sole slope | yes, 45 ° |
Food | |
Battery operation | no |
Additionally | |
Case / case | available as standard |
Protective shield | there is |
Equipment | file, protective pad, anti-splinter insert, vacuum cleaner adapter, case |
Noise level | 86 dBA |
Width | 250 mm |
Height | 210 mm |
Weight | 2.8 kg |
Opinions from the DeWALT DW331K
Yandex.Market data
- Smooth cut. To make the file go away on it, you have to try very hard. I have not seen such amazing precision on any jigsaw. From what I have ever had in my hands: Bosch, Makita, Interskol - all these are just wobbling rattles against the background of DeVolt. - Smooth running, low vibrations, the softest start. It is simply beyond words how neatly you can start a cut; - Ingenious construct. All knots are absolutely unique Devolt's, it is clear that they did not copy from anyone, they just took and invented the perfect jigsaw again. What is one system for quickly changing the file: bent the retainer - the file fell out, inserted a new one - it locked itself. The whole mechanism is entirely metal, there is only one sensation at a glance: it is made soundly and of high quality. - The support platform fixation system is a separate topic. Everything is also very convenient. The shape of the handle is excellent; - A long flexible cord made of soft rubber is the first sign of a professional tool. - Adjustment of everything and everything: 7 speeds, 4 "angles of attack" of the canvas (ie adjustment of the beacon), tilt of the platform, adjustment of the blowing force of sawdust, removable sole cover (so as not to scratch delicate material); - Excellent case; - Design; - Price! I took for 5650 rubles. Just a freebie for SUCH a tool. It could well be worth twice as much and even then it would fully justify its cost;
I don't see any particular flaws in it. But I will find fault: - I am left-handed, for me personally, the release lock button is located unsuccessfully: it is most convenient to press it with the thumb of the right hand. When you hold the jigsaw to the left, it won't work. For 90% of right-handed operators, this problem is not relevant. - There is no backlight, but it does not interfere. And in general I consider all sorts of bells and whistles such as backlights, double roller systems, etc. nothing more than marketing gimmicks. I have one illuminated tool, a Dremel glue gun. So what? Shines all the same past the gluing place. A friend has a screwdriver with exactly the same drawback. A simple analogy (exaggerating, of course): which is better - a cheap Chinese music center with a bunch of colored lamps, buttons, a graphic equalizer and cardboard sound, or a hi-fi class stereo system - a minimalistic aluminum parallelepiped with a single volume knob, but with a kick-ass sound ? It's the same here. I deeply don’t give a damn about the fact that there is no backlight if it’s a jigsaw that cuts better and smoother than others, even in pitch darkness. - One single file in the kit is not a minus, it is another plus. You pay an honest amount only for the instrument itself.Buying an all-in-one kit for the same money, you in fact take a cheaper and lower-quality tool, overpaying for consumables included in the total cost, which can be purchased anyway at any time.
This is not a jigsaw, this is a locomotive. It runs as clearly as on rails, starts just as smoothly, is just as powerful, even looks somewhat similar, except that there is no beep! :) Regarding the problem of choosing "DeWalt DW331K jigsaw versus _____ jigsaw (enter the necessary)" I will say this: I do not believe that there is any one and only manufacturer who does everything without exception. Someone, for one reason or another, turns out to be more successful perforators, someone else - screwdrivers, etc. Therefore, I do not understand when they say "take only Bosch!" or "Only Makita drives!" Everyone succeeded in something specific. We must not look at the nameplates, but at the construct of a particular model. The situation is the same with jigsaws: I'm not a fan of DeWalt as a brand in general, but at the moment their jigsaw idea has gone further than that of competitors. And the secret is simple: the birthplace of the brand is the USA. We recall that 90% of private housing there are wooden frame-panel houses and we understand why DeWalt has been so advanced in the field of woodworking - a powerful domestic market obliges) As for more reviews on Makit, Bosch jigsaws, etc., than on DeWalt is simple. Go to any building hypermarket and see what is mostly on the shelves. That's right: cheap household tools from popular brands. People buy the first thing they come across, and then - "every sandpiper praises his swamp" - under the influence of euphoria from the purchase, all this is poured into the Internet, and now we read how the green Bosch begins to cut with the precision of a CNC milling machine. So filter the information, do not limit yourself to studying the Yandex market, ask hard workers, read the forums, or better - find an opportunity to try the tool in action.
May 5, 2013, Nizhny Novgorod
Ergonomics, power, continuous operation, accuracy (with one caveat - when using good files), low vibrations, quick change of the file without screws, excellent rubberized cable, excellent case (perhaps the black and yellow ones have the most convenient tool cases), without extra marketing gimmicks.
It is dusty, although this is a problem with almost all jigsaws, with the exception of the highest price segment. Not the best shield against sawdust scattering, it seems that it is universal for several models with different mounts and therefore there are cracks left when installing it. Also, the nozzle for the vacuum cleaner is not entirely thought out - the branch pipe is too narrow, if you cut material that forms large sawdust, then sometimes it clogs up, mostly this happens on an inexpensive chipboard. There is no illumination of the working area, but personally I don’t need it (for example, there is a router, but still a little sense, because wood dust clogs the processing area).
I have been using this device since 2008, choosing among the 700-watt models Metabo, blue Bosch, Makita, Hitachi. I did not consider household and Chinese people - for I love a good instrument. The more expensive Festul, Protul, Mafel, Milwaukee and other industrial tools were not considered either - they are expensive, and they are not particularly needed at home. What can be said bad about him - it is too heavy for untrained hands (of course - the mechanics are all metal), so it will not work for a fragile housewife, I wrote about sawdust above, perhaps all the shortcomings). Further advantages: reliable and simple like AK, the level of vibration is insignificant so that if the jigsaw is left switched on (without a file) on any horizontal surface, then it will not move anywhere.During use, a decent number of pieces of furniture were built (bedside tables, tables, closets) and a lot of finished furniture was redone, several partitions inside the apartment were built (non-capital ones made of MDF and plywood), an unmeasured amount of lining and laminate was sawn. Saws almost any materials using the appropriate saws: chipboard and plywood up to 50mm (thicker was not necessary, I think it can handle them), lining, blockhouse, laminate, MDF / HDF, aluminum pipes and corners up to 7mm thick (again, I think it can handle thicker - there is a power reserve), coniferous timber 70-100mm (with long saws), hardwood timber (oak, beech, ash) up to 50mm. It fits comfortably in the hands, but it is individual. In general, I highly recommend it, provided it fits in your hand.
December 8, 2013, Moscow
+ Very smooth tool running. even at maximum speed, it stands like a glove, does not twitch. + Package. Very handy small plastic suitcase. Probably the best tool case I have ever held. All Boches smoke nervously. there is also an anti-splinter tray and a shield and a tube for a vacuum cleaner. All these accessories really came in handy. + The sawdust is blown off the cutting line very efficiently and strongly. Moreover, the blowing force is adjustable. + Quick change of file and turn of the sole. I have never used the rotation of the sole, but a quick change of the file is a class! The file sucks in like a poured one without any distortions, and you can insert files of different thicknesses, everything holds perfectly, changes in a couple of movements. I used to saw radii with a straight saw, and straight ones with a radius saw due to the lengthy procedure of replacing the saw. now for each type of cut I change the file. Therefore, they serve more efficiently and longer. + The file walks smoothly and straight, it does not go to the side. Perpendicularity of the cut at height. + Very comfortable grip of the jigsaw, and it is possible to hold the jigsaw with a reverse grip. + The gearbox hardly heats up. + Smooth start and speed control. As well as constant electronics. + Long (even too much) rubber cord.
- No rip fence included. Of course, cutting long straight lines with a jigsaw is nonsense, but if someone regularly performs this type of work, then keep in mind. - Plastic transparent accessories do not fit well with the instrument. The guard sits with gaps and the splinter-proof liner openly dangles in the sole. I saw with 308 series saws, so I don't use the anti-splinter insert, but it's still unpleasant. - The tube for the vacuum cleaner is very thin. Sawdust sucks in perfectly, but a vacuum cleaner with such a small air flow thinks that its filter is clogged and regularly turns on the vacuum cleaner. I had to drill an extra hole in this accessory. - No backlight. With the flap on, the cut line becomes poorly visible. And if you remove the shield, then let a little sawdust, but fly to the sides. - Service and support of this brand in Russia. Horse prices even for nonsense, the terms are long, and you can find the fig service itself. I was lucky enough to avoid communicating with them so far, but my acquaintances had unpleasant impressions (it was not their jigsaw that broke, if that.)
I have been using it for over a year. Jigsaw is certainly not Festul, but for your money - the best tool, you can not even doubt. Took for curly neat and accurate cuts. copes with its task perfectly! I don't take into account minor flaws. Many comparable in price and even more expensive jigsaws (for example, the same Bosch or Makit) have significantly more disadvantages! And they break more often. For those who have stopped clamping the sole - read the instructions, there are two bolts on the bottom, one regulating, the second locking. Customize them and you will be happy. This is not a disadvantage. I chose between the top models of blue Bosch, Makita and this. Dewalt won by a large margin.
November 17, 2013, Yekaterinburg
Before that there was 800 Bosch. He died while chamfering gas blocks. But the tree sawed crookedly, the saw was constantly being taken away. Instead I bought a devolt, it feels better assembled, the file does not take away, I really use Bosch files, expensive. In my opinion it's worth its money, but it will be clear after a couple of years of working on it.
4 November 2019
everything in it is super. you will not regret it for sure. one pleasure.
burned down along with the garage (
June 21, 2015, St. Petersburg
One thing can be said, a very high-quality jigsaw. Not cheap, of course, but worth the money 100%. I let my friends work, and they were also very pleased.
My brother has the same - after a year of use, the swivel sole has ceased to be fixed.
If once again there was a choice - to buy it or a cheaper option, I would still choose DW331K
January 7, 2012
One continuous dignity !!! This is a masterpiece of scientific thought in jigsaws. It's even a pity to operate :) In a sideboard under the glass))) I liked that the jigsaw fits into the grooves in the case and does not just lie down (therefore, it is rigidly fixed and does not dangle. Any set will additionally fit s) files.
There is no backlight (if you consider this a disadvantage).
I chose between MAKita 4350 and DW. I bought DW and did not regret it at all. Makita is also a good thing, of course, but DW is just space (for me). I fall in love with him more and more. Assembly Czech Republic.
December 10, 2014, St. Petersburg
Great cut, not work, but enjoyment
A file is not included in the kit in Russia, for flush cutting.
Perfectly balanced jigsaw, I find it difficult to name competitors in terms of quality and softness of sawing. Regarding the fixing of the sole, whose hands are straight, we turn the jigsaw, through the hole in the sole we see a blued screw locked with a galvanized one, so we adjust the clamping force with it. And when setting the sole to 0 degrees, we move it back, and then tighten it with a lever. A big plus is the presence of a soft start and maintaining the speed under load. Also a huge plus in adjusting the speed from 0 to 3100. Long, rubber cord (4m). An excellent professional tool. I think the case of jamming, described below, is isolated, and it happens to Maybachs ... This is an iconic jigsaw, it has been produced for several years, refined and reliable, like a bicycle. No regrets about buying, the next jigsaw will be the same.
8 April 2013
Powerful, saws quickly; Web travel mode; Long quality wire; Excellent ergonomics; Quick blade change without a key
There is no illumination of the working area
I bought a jigsaw in 2014 to renovate an apartment. I chose between BOSCH GST 150 and DeWALT DW331K, the choice fell on the American, frame construction mainly prevails in the states, and DeWALT produces quality tools for working with wood. He worked mainly with a vacuum cleaner, so there was practically no dust. Saws high quality both thin plywood and ceramic tiles. It is better to take high-quality blades, cheap ones, so to speak, "burn out" quickly, especially when cutting MDF.
May 8, 2018, Sheksna
Power, high-quality cord 4m, assembly of the Czech Republic, excellent smooth start, the most convenient change of the file, adjustment of the level of blowing.
Inconvenient speed control on the start button, inconvenient fixation of the start button. Well the price
Easily cuts 50x50 timber and any boards (which cannot be said about the 349 model), with a margin of power. It's definitely worth its money, it can easily cope with any task. Advise
4 November 2017, Saratov